Introduction to NetBSD loadable kernel modules


Loadable kernel modules (LKMs) are quite popular on most modern operating systems such as GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and of course Microsoft Windows, just to name a few. They offer you the possibility to extend the kernel’s functionality at runtime without recompiling or even rebooting the system. For example nearly every Linux device driver is available - or can be made available - as a loadable kernel module, that can be loaded at runtime to get support for a particular device (or even a pseudo-device).

With NetBSD, LKMs are not that popular yet. At the time of this writing only a few drivers are available as loadable modules (mostly filesystem and compat drivers, and a few others such as the linuxrtc emulation). This might change in near future.

The loadable kernel module interface was originally designed to be similar in functionality to the loadable kernel modules facility provided by SunOS. The lkm(4) facility is controlled by performing ioctl(2) calls on the /dev/lkm device, but since all operations are handled by the modload(8), modunload(8) and modstat(8) programs, you should never have to interact with /dev/lkm directly. Note, that you need to run a kernel compiled with the LKM option in order to make use of LKMs.

Writing the module

I’d like to show you how to write a simple character device driver that does nothing but the simple job of calculating the Fibonacci numbers (I’ll therefore name the module fibo.o and let all the function’s names begin with fibo_). The driver will provide 8 minor devices /dev/fibo0 to /dev/fibo7. Each minor device offers the following functions:

static int fibo_open(dev_t, int, int, struct proc *);
static int fibo_close(dev_t, int, int, struct proc *);
static int fibo_read(dev_t dev, struct uio *, int);

You can open and close a device provided by this driver and you’ll be able to read from it (we’ll have a closer look at the parameters later, when we discuss the actual functions). Now we need to tell the kernel that we provide a character device with the 3 functions listed above. Therefore we need to fill in a struct cdevsw (cdevsw means character device switch and the struct cdevsw is defined in sys/conf.h).

static struct cdevsw fibo_dev = {
  (dev_type_write((*))) enodev,
  (dev_type_ioctl((*))) enodev,
  (dev_type_stop((*))) enodev,
  (dev_type_poll((*))) enodev,
  (dev_type_mmap((*))) enodev,

enodev is a generic function that simply returns the errno(2) ENODEV (Operation not supported by device) which says that we does not support any operations besides open, close and read. So, for example, whenever you try to write to the device, the write(2) will fail with ENODEV.

Furtheron we need to tell the kernel how the module is named and where to find information about operations provided by the module. This is a quite simple task with the lkm interface: We use the preprocessor macro MOD_DEV, which is defined in sys/lkm.h to hand the information over. The MOD_DEV macro was changed in NetBSD-current, therefore we use the following construct to get things working with both NetBSD 1.6 and earlier and NetBSD 1.6H and later (thanks to Anil Gopinath for the hint).

#if (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 106080000)
MOD_DEV("fibo", "fibo", NULL, -1, &fibo_dev, -1);
MOD_DEV("fibo", LM_DT_CHAR, -1, &fibo_dev);

This means that our module is named fibo, we’ll provide a character device (minor devices are handled by the module itself, so they doesn’t matter for now), we want to retrieve a dynamic major device number from the kernel (if you want to use a specific major device number you’ll need to specify that instead of the -1, but beware of getting in conflict with other device drivers) and we provide the information about the supported operations in fibo_dev.

In order to ensure proper unloading of the module we need to keep a global reference counter of opened minor devices.

static int fibo_refcnt = 0;

And furtheron we need to keep a bunch of information about each minor device.

struct fibo_softc {
  int       sc_refcnt;
  u_int32_t sc_current;
  u_int32_t sc_previous;
static struct fibo_softc fibo_scs[MAXFIBODEVS];

As mentioned above our driver will provide 8 minor devices. Each minor device stores information about how often it was opened (in our example each minor device can only be opened once to keep things simple), the current number and the previous number for calculating the Fibonacci numbers. If you don’t know how to calculate the Fibonacci numbers, you should have a look on a book about algorithms, as explaining this is beyond the scope of this article.

Each kernel module needs to have an entry point which is passed to ld(1) by modload when the module is linked. The default module entry point is named xxxinit. If xxxinit cannot be found, an attempt to use modulename_lkmentry will be made, where modulename is the filename of the module being loaded without the .o. In general the entry function will consist entirely of a single DISPATCH line, with DISPATCH being a preprocessor macro defined in sys/lkm.h to handle loading, unloading and stating for us. So our fibo_lkmentry function will look like this:

fibo_lkmentry(struct lkm_table *lkmtp, int cmd, nt ver)
  DISPATCH(lkmtp, cmd, ver, fibo_handle, fibo_handle, fibo_handle);

Now we need a handler function for our module to do module specific tasks when loading, unloading or stating the module. The name of this handler function is passed to DISPATCH (see above) to tell the kernel which function it has to call when doing such things. A pointer to the module entry in the LKM table and an integer representing the desired command (LKM_E_LOAD, LKM_E_UNLOAD or LKM_E_STAT) are passed to the handler function. The handler is called after the module is linked and loaded into the kernel with the LKM_E_LOAD command. Then we need to check whether the module was already loaded into the kernel and initialize our data structures. When unloading the module, the handler is called with the LKM_E_UNLOAD command and we need to check if the module is not required any more (e.g. check if all devices are closed for char/block driver modules) before confirming the unload command.

static int
fibo_handle(struct lkm_table *lkmtp, int cmd)
  switch (cmd) {
  case LKM_E_LOAD:
    /* check if module was already loaded */
    if (lkmexists(lkmtp))
      return (EEXIST);
    /* initialize minor device structures */
    bzero(fibo_scs, sizeof(fibo_scs));
    printf("fibo: FIBONACCI driver loaded successfully\n");
  case LKM_E_UNLOAD:
    /* check if a minor device is opened */
    if (fibo_refcnt > 0)
      return (EBUSY);
  case LKM_E_STAT:
    return (EIO);
  return (0);

The open function is quite simple as most of the hard stuff is already handled by the NetBSD kernel (e.g. the kernel will automatically allocate a vnode(9) for you). The parameters for the open function are the major and minor device numbers (use the major and minor macros), the flag and mode arguments as described in open(2) and a pointer to the struct proc of the process that did the open system call.

So the first thing to do is to check if the minor device number we got when the device was opened is not out of range, and if the minor device is not already opened. You should always keep in mind that the minor device handling is completely up to you and that this is a never ending source of mistakes! Then we need to initialize the minor device data (the Fibonacci starting numbers 1, 0 + 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, …) and increase the minor device and the global module reference counter.

static int
fibo_open(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p)
  struct fibo_softc *fibosc = (fibo_scs + minor(dev));
  if (minor(dev) >= MAXFIBODEVS)
    return (ENODEV);
  /* check if device already open */
  if (fibosc->sc_refcnt > 0)
    return (EBUSY);
  fibosc->sc_current = 1;
  fibosc->sc_previous = 0;
  /* increase device reference counter */
  /* increase module reference counter */
  return (0);

The close function has the same parameters with the same meanings as the open function described above. It is used to free the internal data structures of a minor device opened before. You do not need to worry whether the device was opened before or to do things like releasing the vnode associated with the device, all you need to do is to cleanup the module specific stuff. In our example this means decreasing the minor device and the global module reference counters and so that our close function is quite simple.

static int
fibo_close(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p)
  struct fibo_softc *fibosc = (fibo_scs + minor(dev));
  /* decrease device reference counter */
  /* decrease module reference counter */
  return (0);

Last but not least the read function. This function has 3 parameters: the device major and minor numbers like in the open and close functions, a flag field indicating for example whether the read should be done in a non-blocking fashion or such things and a pointer to a struct uio defined in sys/uio.h. A struct uio typically describes data in motion, in case of a read(2) system call data moved from kernel-space to user-space. This may look a bit strange if you already did device driver progamming on GNU/Linux, but the uio concept used by the NetBSD kernel simplifies a lot of things and provides a generic and consistent interface for kernel-space to user-space and kernel-space to kernel-space data moving. See uiomove(9) for more information.

Back on stage, we should first have a look at the read function and discuss the details afterwards.

static int
fibo_read(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag)
  struct fibo_softc *fibosc = (fibo_scs + minor(dev));
  if (uio->uio_resid < sizeof(u_int32_t))
    return (EINVAL);
  while (uio->uio_resid >= sizeof(u_int32_t)) {
    int error;
    /* copy to user space */
    if ((error = uiomove(&(fibosc->sc_current),
    		    sizeof(fibosc->sc_current), uio))) {
      return (error);
    /* prevent overflow */
    if (fibosc->sc_current > (MAXFIBONUM - 1)) {
      fibosc->sc_current = 1;
      fibosc->sc_previous = 0;
    /* calculate */ {
      u_int32_t tmp;
      tmp = fibosc->sc_current;
      fibosc->sc_current += fibosc->sc_previous;
      fibosc->sc_previous = tmp;
  return (0);

So the first thing we do, is to check whether the process requests less than sizeof(u_int32_t) bytes (actually 4 bytes). Our read function always reads a bunch of 4-byte blocks and to keep it simple and easy to understand we disallow reading less than 4 bytes at a time (uio->uio_resid holds the number of remaining bytes to move to user-space, automatically decreased by uiomove).

The function copies the current Fibonacci number into the user-space buffer, checks for a possible overflow (only the first 42 Fibonacci numbers fit into u_int32_t) and calculates the next Fibonacci number. If there is enough space left in the user-space buffer, the function loops and restarts the process of moving, checking and calculating until the buffer is filled up to the possible maximum or uiomove(9) returns an error. Note, that a read(2) system call on this device will never return 0, and so it will never reach an end-of-file (EOF), so the device will generate Fibonacci numbers forever.

If you’re familar with GNU/Linux device driver programming you might have noticed that we do not return -ERRNO on failure, and in case of the read system call the number of bytes read, but instead we return 0 on success and the positive errno value on failure. Everything else is handled by the NetBSD kernel itself, so we do not need to care about.

Loading the module

Now that our device driver module is completed, we need a shell script that will be executed when the module is successfully loaded to create the required device nodes in /dev. This shell script (or program) is always passed three arguments: the module id (in decimal), the module type (in hexadecimal) and the character major device number (this differs for other types of LKMs such as system call modules). So our script is pretty simple:

if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
  echo "$0 should only be called from modload(8) with 3 args"
  exit 1

First check whether all three command line arguments are present and exit with error code if not.

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
  rm -f /dev/fibo$i
  mknod /dev/fibo$i c $3 $i
  chmod 666 /dev/fibo$i
exit 0

And finally (re)create the required special device nodes. Now we are ready to give our module a first test run. Compile the module and load the module with the following command (this needs to be run as superuser):

modload -e fibo_lkmentry -p fibo.o

If everything went well, the modstat(8) program should present you output similar to this:

Type    Id  Off Loadaddr Size Info     Rev Module Name
DEV      0   29 dca4f000 0004 dca4f260   1 fibo

Testing the module

In order to test your new kernel module, we need a small test program that does nothing more than reading a 32bit unsigned integer value from /dev/fibo0 and outputs the value to standard output. See the sample program below:

#define DEVICE "/dev/fibo0"
main(int argc, char **argv)
  u_int32_t val;
  int fd, ret;
  if ((fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
    err(1, "unable to open " DEVICE);
  while ((ret = read(fd, &val, sizeof(val))) == sizeof(val))
    printf("%u\n", val);
  if (ret < 0)
    err(2, "read(" DEVICE ")");
  return 0;

When you run this sample test program, it will output Fibonacci numbers below 2971215074 until you interrupt or kill the program. To unload the kernel module, you need to run the following command (as superuser):

modunload -n fibo

The complete sources for the example above, including a Makefile, are available online at:

A tar archive with the sources can be found here. I hope you like this small introduction to the NetBSD lkm system. If you have any questions or if you would like to give me some feedback, feel free to contact me.

Published: 2002-11-27