Thunar 0.8.0 and libexo 0.3.2 releases

I just released Thunar 0.8.0 and exo 0.3.2 as part of the long awaited Xfce 4.4.0, which will be released in a few hours. The separate tarballs are provided for users of Xfce 4.2.x refusing to upgrade to Xfce 4.4.x, and users of other desktop environments. This is the final release of Thunar, but since not all items from the roadmap were completed, it is not yet the 1.0.0 version.

You will need at least libxfce4util 4.2.2, GTK+ 2.6.4, shared-mime-info 0.15 and desktop-file-utils 0.10 to build and run Thunar. In addition Gamin or FAM are highly recommended to enable file system monitoring in Thunar. For HAL support on Linux, the libhal-storage-devel package is required (0.5.0 or above). Furthermore if you want to use the trash panel applet, you will need the Xfce Panel 4.4BETA1 or above and D-Bus 0.34 or above. The README file contains a complete list of dependencies and optional packages.

The official announcement is available at:

Several screenshots are available at:

The source tarballs and the graphical installers can be downloaded from:

Installation instructions and documentation are available at:

Please report bugs to the Xfce Bug Tracker (product Thunar) at:</p>

Published: 2007-01-21