New Thunar Wiki

I set up a new Thunar Wiki today, which contains interesting information for users. The old wiki with the development notes is still there and will continue as dev wiki.

Published: 2006-04-15 — Comments

Compact View

Thanks to Matt McClinch, who worked out a patch for Thunar and libexo, Thunar BETA1 will also include the often requested Windows Explorer-like Compact View.

Published: 2006-04-14 — Comments

Close to BETA1

We’re close to Thunar BETA1, hopefully this weekend. So, time to share a few screenshots. The BETA1 includes a full-featured tree pane…

…allows to customize the columns in the detailed list view and provides a fixed column width mode, which does not only improve the usability for users used to the Window Explorer way, but also speeds up the display of the detailed list view by a factor of 10 for medium sized folders…

…includes improved single-click navigation support with configurable hover selection…

…and will work properly on Solaris out-of-the-box (with support for Solaris specific file types), though the Solaris volume management support will not be merged for the BETA1, as it’s not ready for prime-time yet…

…and as additional goodie, the bulk renamer was imported, which allows users to easily rename multiple files at once.

Together with the additional plugins, and especially Jannis’ thunar-media-tags-plugin, a lot of bugfixes and usability improvements, and other changes I forgot to mention, we’re already very close to the first final release.

Published: 2006-04-13 — Comments

Transparent Terminal Hack

This one was requested quite often lately, so here’s a quick&dirty hack to make the Terminal transparent. The Terminal-side changes are pretty easy, just use ARGB visuals if possible. The VTE patch is really just a hack for the Xft backend with a hardcoded alpha value of 0xaaaa. You need to run a composition manager for this to work (i.e. xfwm4 with --compositor=on), and select solid background color in Terminal (as said, the VTE patch is just a really quick hack). The result is:

Anybody willing to create a clean patch for VTE (requires quite a lot of changes, but doable)?

Published: 2006-03-27 — Comments